Residential and Commercial Inspections

Home Safety



Home safety is important for people of all ages. Since most accidents occur at home and many of them are preventable, it is important that your home is as safe as possible. Here are some helpful tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on making your home a safer place for everyone.


To ensure the safety of your family, it is a good idea to periodically review your home for safety hazards, paying special attention to smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, potential electrical hazards (including overuse of surge protectors and/or electrical cords), anything that could potentially cause a fire (or impede a hasty exits in the case of fire), and anything that could potentially cause a slip or fall within the home.

The Home Safety Council has an interactive home safety checklist that you can create based on your specific living situation. Click here to get started.

Additional recommendations:

Other safety resources for safety in your home include:

To help prevent falls:

To help prevent fire deaths and injuries:

Hidden Home Hazards

The USCPSC cites the top 5 hidden home safety hazards:


Additional Information

Here are some additional resources on home safety:

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Mike, Thanks so much for a great job on the inspection, will pass on your info to anyone interested in a inspection. A lot of info in your report, very well prepared & easy to follow. Have a nice day!


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Michael Bazzo
8174 MacKay Ct.
Utica Michigan 48317
(586) 855-7644